We are here to support you. Cloth diapers or disposables? Breast milk or formula? Your choices matter here and we can help clarify any questions you have - just ask.
There are no judgements here. Over 30 years of experience as a provider, along with being a parent, mean you get honest answers and well as oodles of resources.
No one said you had to do it alone.
From diaper changes and night feedings to potty training and temper tantrums -- Precious Treasures is here to help.
Screens may help distract a child from a tantrum, but they make another more likely, study shows.
One of many reasons why Precious Treasures is a screen-free childcare.
There may be some good in making sure that discipline has started early, but the difference will be in how they are disciplined.
Why Discipling A Toddler Is Vital As Opposed To Waiting When They're Older (msn.com)
At Precious Treasures, we treat children's "mistaken behavior" with patience. We use the words "no" and "stop" as needed, are clear and age appropriate in our expectations about children's behavior, and mimic the behavior we would like to see.
SIDS is the unexplained death of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old, typically during sleep, according to the Mayo Clinic. The CDC reports SIDS accounted for 37% of infant deaths in the United States in 2019.
The Director has taken the required Infant Sleep Training and follows each requirement.
I appreciate this probably sounds 'far out' and frankly quite ridiculous to some of you reading. Why on earth would we not want our children to apologise when they have done something wrong? I'm not disputing this, I am however disputing the way in which we go about achieving it.
Why We Shouldn't Make Young Children Say 'Sorry' | HuffPost UK Parents (huffingtonpost.co.uk)
At Precious Treasures, we have never required a "sorry". Instead, we acknowledge that mistaken behavior has occurred and then do our best to decrease the likelihood of it occurring again (increased supervision, mimicking positive behavior, etc.).
I feel like I spend my career convincing people to let the mess happen. Let the classroom get messy. Let the children dive in. I tell teachers, teacher assistants, directors, early ed. students – anyone within earshot. I tell parents, grandparents and even the children when they are hesitant. I have read the research, done research of my own and observed the difference in the scope of learning between the “dive in” method and the more neatness leaning environments. All that professional energy and my college age son described the issue best – “It inhibits my creativity.”
Research has shown that parents don't want children to get messy because they don't want to have to do the laundry (reminder -- that is what the washing machine is for). Precious Treasures believes that children are not learning unless they are fully immersed in their day. We always have a change of clothes and plenty of wet wipes, so its sand, mud, water, paint, and more.
An unintended consequence of the state's multibillion-dollar early education program is the damage being done to the business model of traditional child care providers.
Precious Treasures urges families to look into what "free care" actually means before sending their children to UPK. Remember, COVID funding has ended, so teachers and administrators are being laid off. Schools are unable to fill the positions they have now. How will they care for and educate children 3-4 years of age? The bottom line is, they cannot.
Schools across the country are announcing teacher and staff layoffs as districts brace for the end of a pandemic aid package that delivered the largest one-time federal investment in K-12 education.
Schools are bracing for widespread teacher layoffs. Here’s why | CNN Politics
This article along with the one previous goes to show how the school system is already failing our children. So, why are they looking to increase the number of children they have in our schools?
Precious Treasures has been providing professional care and education since 1990. Our testimonials prove we can do all aspects needed for your children.
Barrett’s childhood overlapped with the dawn of the social media era. She said her mother was an avid user of MySpace and Facebook, where she posted details about their lives and many of Barrett’s private moments.
Nothing about her life was off-limits, including her tantrums, her medical diagnoses and the fact that she’s adopted, said Barrett, who uses the pronouns she and they.
Precious Treasures never posts pictures of the children in our care, past, present, or future. Our view has always been "once you say yes, the child cannot say no". The psychological ramifications are numerous. All of our pictures of children are "stock photos".
The workforce reductions – coupled with ongoing challenges of low pay and spotty benefits for workers – have economists and policy experts sounding the alarm: If this industry falters further, it could spell trouble for the entire labor market as working parents scramble to find care for their kids.
Child care workers are vanishing and it's hurting the entire economy | CNN Business
Being an owner operated small family childcare, Precious Treasures thankfully does not have an issue with staffing. Should you choose a large family childcare or center-based care, this will be an issue.